Target Systems, since our inception, has prided ourselves on being “The Solutions People.” We understand that our clients have specific, and many times evolving, objectives. We work hard to earn their trust that we are their partners, not just a vendor, that shares the vision to reach these common goals. The results of our partnership validate that trust. Below are a few of our larger current projects, along with a list of customers we partnered with.
Target Systems' Current Flagship Projects
Department of Navy Staff (DNS)-3 FOIA, Privacy, and Awards Support – Target Systems supports the DNS-3 program office with a myriad of tasks related to FOIA, Privacy, and both Veterans and Navy awards. Our company has been supporting this work under several contracts since 2005. Our support has been integral to the Navy’s ability to respond in a timely manner to various requests from both government agencies and the general public. In support of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) program office and the Privacy Act (PA) program office under DNS-36, Target Systems supports the government in receiving and responding to Navy FOIA/PA information and review requests. This involves a great deal of coordination with many agencies within the Navy as well as validating and properly routing the requests for response. We assist the government in ensuring that the Navy is compliant with FOIA/PA program requirements, and in responding to specific entities outside the organization. Also on this contract, in support of DNS-35, Target Systems provides support to the personnel who support and resolve all inquires from both Congressional offices and Navy Veteran families pertaining to awards entitlement and submission. We also assist the government in reviewing and helping to develop award policy, as well as maintaining the official awards database, NDAWS. This involves a large amount of research and coordination with Navy commands, record keepers, and the public at large. Our personnel work closely with veterans and their families to ensure that both current and former service members have receive the awards that they have earned.
NAVSUP Financial Card Management Support – Target Systems is the primary support contractor to the Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) Department of the Navy Consolidated Card Management Program Management Division (DON CCPMD). The CCPMD is responsible for the management, daily operations, guidance and training, and continuous improvement capability of the DON financial cards. Target Systems’ support of this office involves assisting the government in customer support, fraud and delinquency management, overall guidance and training (including the development of computer based training materials), help desk guides, and other training session. We assist the government in dealing with customer service issues related to the cards, and ensuring that the programs on the user end of these cards are supported as needed. Our people are regularly working side by side with the government resources to assure that matters are properly addressed, all the way up through the card issuing banks.
DACM – Target Systems assists the Department of the Navy Acquisition Workforce in fulfilling its goals by providing Program Management and Oversight, Quality Management and Assurance, Project Schedule and Resource Planning, and support to Policy, Analysis, Staffing, Reporting and IT. We provide Subject Matter Experts and develop systems that facilitate all facets of the DACM operations in addition to enhancing business practices and processes. We also provide reports, briefings, Congressional responses and and consolidation of action responses for external agencies.
EUM – The End-Use Monitoring program provides oversight of defense articles acquired by the US Government’s international customers under several government-to-government programs including Foreign Military Sales. This program ensures the accuracy and tracking of inventories through software development, weapon data research, IT training, database population and program analysis.
MGNA – The MethylGenetic Nutrition Analysis system was developed for Tree of Life Ministries to enhance the practices of doctors and naturopaths and provide a new generation of care. It combines patient input, genetics, lab work (blood, urine, neurotransmitter, hormone, etc) as well as diagnosis codes to identify supplements and lifestyle changes that can aid the patient in recovering from their current condition. This information is provided to the medical professional for review for their individual patients.
Federal Government
- United States Navy/Department of Defense
- Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OPNAV)
- Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS)
- Department of the Navy Staff (DNS)
- Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
- Naval Sea Logistics Center (NAVSEALOGCEN)
- Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP)
- Director, Acquisition Career Management (DACM)
- NAVSUP Business Systems Center (BSC)
- Navy Exchange Command (NEXCOM)
- NAVSUP Weapon System Support (WSS)
- Office of Management and Budget (OMB)
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Acquisition)
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Logistics)
- U.S. Navy Fleet Forces Command (FFC)
- Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA)
- United States Army
State/Local Government
- PA Department of Labor and Industry
- PA Department of Health
- PA Department of Transportation
- Dept of PA Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Zembo Shrine
- Coploff, Ryan and Welch
- Dr. Michael Daniels, LLC
- Penn State University
- Neema Hospitality Group
- Tree of Life Healthcare Ministries
- Roof Advisory Group
- Clearwater Construction
- Paxton Presbyterian Church
- Midstate
- R.S. Mowery & Sons
- Orthopedic Spine and Physical Therapy
- Lehigh University
- Davis Real Estate
- LotNetwork, LLC
In addition to our prime contractor support on these projects, Target Systems operates as a subcontractor on a number of other contracts working with the Department of Defense and other groups. Our company prides itself on being an outstanding and reliable partner to our prime contractors. We work very hard to ensure that we are providing the best resources to support our partner’s customers.
Please contact info@target-sys.com for more information.